The #1 ruins of the castle in South Moravia – Devicky Castle in Pavlov
Devin hill above the Pavlov is a place with soul. It’s a place, where the enchanting view over Palava Protected Landscape Area is. It’s the highest hill in the Palava region. Mainly, it’s, where one of the most photogenic castle ruins in South Moravia is. Gothic royal Devicky castle, also known as Maidberk or Maidenburg is a significant dominant in this region. Although it’s very popular, we had the chance to be there on our own. We could look into every corner and spend as much time as we wanted in peace. It was Friday evening.
Devin hill is more than 500 meters high, so you need to climb a bit. The path leads through the forest, which makes it pleasant to walk, even on a very hot day. It’s not a long hike, taking up to an hour, depending on where you park.

The castle is not as big as it looks, contrary it’s more like a cozy nest. The original Devicky castle of the same (but Slavic) name – Dewiczka – was built in 1222, but soon was destroyed at the end of the 13th century. 2 m thick perimeter walls and a large part of the inner walls with half-buried cellars have been preserved from the castle. From the openings through the windows and the loopholes, there is a beautiful and most recognizable view of Pavlov and the Novomlýnská reservoir.

In front of the castle, there are three rock cliffs. According to legend, they are petrified girls. That’s where the name of the castle originated. . In one of the legends, it was the Tatar princess and her companions, in another the three daughters of the lord of the castle Arnulf, whom the devilish Trabaccio wanted to dishonor. In another again the three disobedient castle daughters, who were cursed by their mother. On quiet nights, it is said that a quiet cry comes from these stones.
Parking: Two big parking:
- Podhradni street
- Between Vinarska and Ceska street
Distance: around 50 kilometers from Brno, which makes it a good spot even after work during the week.
The castle is available all year round, with no admission price.
With just a few streets Pavlov is packed with accommodation, wine shops, or cozy bistros. Spend a night over to feel the real atmosphere of this place. Long talks over the wine, good companion, and fresh air will make you happy. Among the most popular places here are
- Marināda viniční dům
- Sousedi Pavlov
- Galerie Venuše Pálava
Remember to book in advance. The summer season is already full.
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