Find your way out from the corn maze, Brno
9 huge labyrinths are dotted around the Czech Republic. Brno among Prague, Olomouc or Valtice is the lucky one. And this is not the first year it’s here. Every year the corn maze though, is in different location. This year, it’s located in Kninicky, really close to the seasonal entrance to Brno’s ZOO.
First of all, the corn plants rented for the purpose of The Cornies (Kukuricaci) are quite big, On the official website it’s written they’re of a football pitch size. Second off all, to spice things up, a game is prepared not only for the kids, but also for the adults. Each and every person willing to play will receive a card and has to fill in the letters. Kids have to guess a password and adults need to make words from the letters. In addition, mobile app with another game, for android users is also available. Imagine, we spent there more than an hour and we still didn’t find all the letters for adults’ game.

Depending on the kid, but mine with entering the maze got a weird signal in their heads to run away from me. Which was a great fun for the kids and caused a heart-attack in me. I could hear their voices, but haven’t seen them. Once we found each other it was much better, for me of course. We started the game all together, getting really tired after a while. My 5 years old daughter was really intrigued by it and wanted to find the all the letters. Adults will definitely find their way back, not to worry. But there were moments I felt like: I’ve been here before. Few narrow paths between the maize were quite similar.

It’s quite an interesting project. The initiator’s aim is to get the kids outside in the fresh air while still having the chance to interact with mobile phones and social networks. As I already mentioned, there’s is an android application with the game to follow on the mobile phone. The orientation skills, sense of direction or puzzle solving are the skills kids will definitely use.
The entrance fee is 85 kc for an adult and 60 for the kid. You can find the offers on slevomat.cz as well, saving few Czech crowns. As long as it is not raining or haven’t been before, stroller can easily ride along the paths. Also, according to the weather, think of suitable shoes. Even few days after the rain, the ground may still be a bit wet and muddy. It takes around 1 hour to find all the letters and get through the maze. It’s opened till the end of September.
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Biotope Oslavany
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