Cave Jachymka and muddy Hike in Adamov
Last weekend we set of for an adventure to explore cave Jachymka, also situated in Moravian Karst as you might have expected, but this time near Adamov in Josefov valley.
Josefov Valley (also called Křtinský žleb) is a 10 km long karst canyon stretching between Adamov and Křtiny. Its name refers to the settlement Josefov, which is located in the middle of the valley. This is where our trip started. We parked at the old ironwork and head straight to the forest path.

This time we followed the blue trail. We went upstream the Krtinsky brook, so we had it on our left-hand side. The path was pretty narrow and slippery in some places. I feel like I was getting closer and closer to the steep slope above the brook, praying not to fell off. Fortunately, not many people passed by, so we were in safe after all. After about one kilometre we arrived at the muddy paradise to the Jachymka cave.
Jachymka cave was named after a hermit inhabiting it back in the XIX century. It is accessible all year round, without any entrance fee. There’s no guided tour organized, you may just pass by it or explore it in every possible way. Of course, consider your own safety. It’s pretty dark and scary deep there. Watch your steps and don’t forget to get a good torch, it may be handy. There’re tunnels or corridors leading to a 10-meter-deep abyss, for example.

BULL’S ROCK (Byci skala)
Once we finished exploring the cave, we followed the blue path again just to reach the famous Bull’s rock, which is a part of the Bull’s cave. The cave is opened only few times a year for open days. This year it is planned for 3 weekends during June, check out the website for current information. It may be worth seeing, as the cave is one of the biggest among the Moravian karst caves. It’s 15 kilometres long.

Full of adventures and a bit tired of exploring we head back to the car. We were not very creative this time, as we simply returned the same path. But the possibilities here are endless as long as you have the strength. There’s a circle called the Bull’s Rock, and it’s a mix of blue, red and yellow paths making all together around 11 kilometres. It was a bit too much for us.
130 steps from the parking place, a forest bar is situated. I didn’t mention it before, because it was kind of a bonus. The forest bar, opened 24 hours per day, offers snacks and beverages for exhausted travelers. This is kind of a recent fad – take goods and leave your money. I love this kind of initiative and the fact there’re still people that believe in others’ good heart.

The Old Ironworks (also called Františčina Huť) is a remarkable technical monument with its dominant feature: the reconstructed charcoal blast furnace. The Old ironworks was founded at the beginning of the 18th century by the Liechtenstein family. There is a technical museum with an exhibition of hardware stores under the administration of the Brno Technical Museum.

In front of the old ironworks there’s a place for 6 or 7 cars.
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