Czech mountains and Spa town: Karlova Studanka
Karlova Studanka with its 800 meters above sea level is the highest situated spa village in the Czech Republic. Surrounded by a wild forest, it lays at the foot of the Praded Mountain in the Jesenik mountain range. It’s believed that the air in this area is the cleanest in the whole Czech Republic, comparable even to the Alpine environment.

Although we spent only a few hours strolling among magnificent wooden houses I felt like I knew this place. Late in the evening yellow bulb lights, visible through the glass of the windows brighten up the wooden houses creating a magical atmosphere. It’s amazing how those constructions, some of them from XIX century, got by through ages.

It’s also the mineral water’s merit that lures people here, the spa village is well-known thanks to them. There’re baths, swimming pools, and thermal water on every corner.
Not only fully covered by insurance medical stays to treat any respiratory problems. Vascular disease, conditions after oncological disease, joints, and spinal problems are cured here. People coming to Karlova Studanka year by year are also attracted by a range of “beauty” treatments. Wellness, wraps, tepidarium, thermal salty water, wellness swimming pool, massages with hot stones, Vibro-massages are only a part of the complete offer. It’s not cheap, but it’s ok to treat yourself to a relaxing weekend once in a while. Summer or winter – it’s always the season to take care of yourself here.
The history of the village dates back to 1780 when the spring of mineral water was discovered and named after Maximilian II Frantisek. Right after that, the first wooden houses with tub baths were built. The settlement back then was named Hinewieder(from German hin and wieder). First patients could not stay overnight, they had to accommodate themselves in nearby Ludvikov or Mala Moravka. As soon as a new mineral water spring was discovered and named Karluv, the village name was changed to Karlova Studanka as we know it today.
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Czech mountains: Praded
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