Enchanting Pernstejn Castle
If you’re into medieval castles, I recommend visiting Pernstejn Castle. First of all, it’s a masterpiece among castles. Still exceptionally well-preserved. Second of all, it’s nearby, only 50 km away from Brno.
The Perstejn castle was first mentioned in 1285, while it had arisen not long before that. At that time, it was much smaller. The castle went through significant changes throughout the period of 300 years. From medieval through neo-gothic to renaissance palace from the outside. Until the mid of XVI century, when silhouette of the castle didn’t change much, except of necessary repairs.
The entrance gates open a way through the first courtyard. There should be a restaurant, however it’s under reconstruction now. Here, between the two gates, you can find rock formations to climb, well actually walk on the stairs ?. And take some good shots of the castle. Next is the cash desk, where you need to decide where to follow. Whether exterior of the castle, strolling among the massive walls of the medieval castle is enough for you. Or you want to look inside, where Pernstejn family used to live. In case you decide for the first option, you can get the information board on the go, no guide however, thus it costs only 50 kc. Whereas, for the interiors reserve at least 50 minutes. The good news is, it may be held in English as well.

Undoubtedly avid hikers should march around the castle first. In the nearby forest, a few educational paths along with small and big circle trails around the castle are prepared. Consequently, information boards appear every few hundred meters. At one point informing you of the current location, but also about the place itself. Unfortunately, it’s held in Czech only. Let me share with you few of the boards that drew my attention:
- The oak alley. 1928 Vladimir Mittrovsky planted 100 oaks in order to celebrate 100 years of the castle in Mittrovsky family’s hands. The oaks were here to firm the track. These days, only few left, I believe I counted 15 or so.
- Wooden covered bridge. The only bridge this type in the Czech Republic that is still preserved and taken care of. It’s 12 meters long, 4 meters wide and 7 meters high. Wood is mixed with stone columns
- Viewpoint on the medieval castle Pernstejn – Early morning back in 2005 a fire was spotted from that point.
- Drinking water Studanka- I read the water is crystal clear and ready to drink, however at the spot we found a sign to boil it first. Would you dare to drink it?
Initially we wanted to go the small circle, as we knew capabilities of our kids. Conversely, we ended up the big one. They managed it. What I also notice was the sparkling and shining path you step on to. Can you imagine a path in the forest that seems to be sprinkled with glitter? I have no idea how the stone is called. Maybe you are a spec?

Definitely more than few parking spots are in Nedvedice. We parked in the city centre, next to Obecni Urad. You can go even closer, just follow the sign to Pernstejn castle and you’ll find additional few on your way. I’m sure you won’t miss them.
After the trip we were all hungry as bears, therefore we stopped at the U medveda restaurant, which from the outside looks low-profile and you wouldn’t enter. We hesitated a bit as well, but as long as we’ve seen the playground in the garden, we decided this is it. And we didn’t regret it. A very nice service was an addition to delicious burgers we ordered. Kids in the meantime had a great time at the playground.

It takes only about an hour to get by train to Nedvedice, therefore it makes it a perfect spot for a one-day trip. From the train station it’s about 2 kilometres straight to the castle. With the big circle around the castle, it may sum up to 7 km in total.
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