Pohadkova stezka
Czech Republic,  South Moravia

Educational Path Bobrstezka

An almost 1-kilometre-long educational path (pohadkova Bobrstezka) is waiting for the kids at the bank of the Bobrava river.  It’s a hidden gem.  


There it is, in Nebovidy village starts a fairy tale adventure. There’re high mountains, suspension bridges, spider webs, a raging river, huge ants and finally ladybirds waiting for the kids. Of course, none of them are dangerous. All tested by no one else but kids. Mine loved it, yours will definitely love it too. Even though the distance may be walked in 20 minutes, reserve much longer, it may take your kids a while to climb all the attractions prepared for them. With a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old it took us around 2 hours.   

We went there last Saturday morning. Silence was only interrupted by the song of cuckoo birds, wind and laugh of my kids. Consequently, it was like a playground without all the noise and kids. Due to that, I do really recommend visiting the place if you’re afraid of the crowd these days.  

Pohadkova stezka
Pohadkova stezka


On the other hand, however, it was quite difficult to find. Before the trip, we searched for the closest parking spot on the map and found one straight in Nebovidy,  really close to allotments. From there, it’s a narrow path between the gardens leading to Bobrava bike path.  Unfortunately, it’s not marked in any way.  We were instructed by the kind local, only then were we able to find our way. Alice wanted to make it easier for you and is showing you the way on the photo.   

Of course, there’s an alternative. Follow the blue path from Zelesice,  through our main point Bobrstezka (educational path) and finish in Moravany. Both villages are accessible by public transportation. It makes around 6 km long hike.   

Pohadkova stezka
Pohadkova stezka


*Zelesice,  bus 510 from Olympia,  Modrice.  Bus stop: U Sulzru  

*Moravany, bus to Ustredni Hrbitov 501, Bus Stop: Hlavni  


By the way, there’s a famous patisserie with homemade desserts in Moravany called Tarta, it’s on Novosady 24 street.  It may be an ideal end of the trip.  Not only for your kid.  Treat yourself as well.  

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