My experience

Hello, my name is Joanna. I moved to the Czech Republic in 2010. It was love at the first sight and so I stayed till this very day. Back then I started exploring nearby places, slowly going further and further. Finally in 2013 coming up with the idea of creating Experience Czech Republic blog. And I explored and enjoyed different sites across Czechia till 2015, when my first baby girl was born. She was very difficult to cooperate with during her first year, meaning much less travelling for me unfortunately. (THANK YOU ALICJA) I managed to write few posts in 2016, only to close it again. This time almost for good, that’s what I thought. I brought to an end writing posts, but I didn’t stop visiting places.Unfortunately with less frequency. Now I’m very excited to say that during the 4 years break, second baby half way through I finally have some time to keep alive the Experience Czech Republic. My husband said let’s evolve and gave it a new name: Experience Europe, so I guess after all you’ll be hearing about our other exciting journeys as well. I’ll explore what Europe, especially Czech Republic though has to offer. I’m planning on writing not only about big cities known for everybody, but I’ll try to cover the undiscovered as well. There are so many beautiful forests, lakes or medieval castles that must be seen.

Let’s travel together.